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So who are the      

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Cheryl Archer
(Chief Tutu)

My name is Cheryl Archer and I work in Stakeholder Management for a Renewable Energy Company.  I’ve recently moved to Brisbane after living my entire life in regional, rural, and remote communities in Queensland and Tasmania. 

It all started with a bucket list...

I have been fundraising for Cancer Council for over 22 years after losing a dear friend to this horrible disease.   I have so many reasons for wanting to do this Rally.


  1. The opportunity to fundraise and put more money into cancer research

  2. Economic benefits for the rural and remote communities we will stop over on the Rally

  3. Spending a week on the road with my good friend Joanna Bender and meeting lots of new people.


I also have a 100 Things list. 


I read Sebastian Terry’s book in 2019 and started my own 100 Things list.  It’s a living document and I currently have 72 things on the list with 13 completed and another 4 I’m working on.  The Shitbox Rally gives me the opportunity to tick off a couple more.


No. 66 - Drive in a car rally.

No. 8 - Create a Blog and get more than 10 followers I don’t know.

Plus, you never know, I may also be able to tick off No. 30 - Be in a radio station on a talk-back radio session.


I’m looking forward to sharing our story in the lead-up to the Rally as well as the Rally itself. 


It’s going to be so much fun!!!!!!

Joanna Bender
(Tulle Therapist)

Hi there - I’m Joanna!  I recently achieved my lifelong dream of studying Interior and Graphic Design (yay!) and at the youthful age of 52 I’m now working towards launching my own design business in 2024…watch this space!

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My friend came to me with the craziest idea...

Almost my entire life has been spent in the beautiful Western Downs town of Chinchilla, Qld (the Watermelon Capital of Australia) where I live with my husband Larry and our two adult children.  We were farm kids living on opposite sides of town, so it was an easy decision to stay put and raise our son and daughter surrounded by the community we both knew and loved.


As small business owners, we have enjoyed the opportunity to support local clubs and charities - we understand the importance of fostering and nurturing communities, particularly in rural areas.


When my good friend Cheryl asked if I was interested in joining her on the Shitbox Rally, I was SOOO excited; not only to be sharing the experience of this crazy adventure but also for the opportunity to support the remote rural communities we visit throughout the trip.  Having worked in a rural charity I understand how vital these communities are to the tapestry of this great nation, and just how much of a difference each dollar injected into these communities can make.


I’m known for doing a few crazy things in my time - like dressing up in a tutu each week as a show of support for loved ones facing adversity (I called it Tulle Therapy), but I never thought I’d be participating in a Shitbox Rally!  With my brother currently undergoing Cancer treatment and Larry’s father and brother recently facing cancer journeys, I’m filled with inspiration, motivation, and determination to break out my tutus and wield some tulle therapy to help Cancer Council KICK CANCER'S BUTT!


Let’s go!

Merris Mitchell
(Our unoffical Tutu3)


We feel it's only fair to make a special mention to our No 1 supporter, Merris!  We like to call her our unofficial Tutu3! Since the very beginning of our Shitbox Rally journey, she has been right beside us lending a hand. She has not only supported us at both Chinchilla RSL Community Raffle evenings, but she has happily helped out with decorating Tilly (even polishing her headlights for us), and supporting us on our recent trek to Wandoan - all whilst wearing a tutu!


Merris recently hosted a morning tea fundraiser for us and is constantly waving our flag in support of our mission to KICK CANCER'S BUTT!


Merris has two very special reasons for supporting us as she does, having lost two special people in her life to cancer.


We thank you so much Merris for your unwnavering support, it means so much to us both!



Got a question?  Reach out to us today - we promise we're not that crazy!

0429 689 996

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