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Fantastic Fundraising Feats!

Updated: Mar 18

With the 2Tutus Terrifically Talented Super Shitbox Supporters!

The Super Shitbox Supporters (SSS) are an amazing group of people who have already fundraised on behalf of the 2Tutus adding thousands of dollars to our fundraising total.

Kim McKnight

One of the unique SSS is Kim McKnight, the first person to volunteer to run a fundraiser for us. In October Kim baked an astonishing 98 cupcakes (and iced/decorated them) for her workmates at Control & Electric, Fyshwick Canberra. Everyone was so keen to have one (or two or three) of her delicious cupcakes that she was able to raise a total of $630 in donations before and during the morning tea. It was no surprise that she got huge support as Kim’s baking is highly sought after in her workplace by the tradies and office staff. Plus she even bakes in a tutu!!! 

Take a look at her goodies, they taste as good as they look…. If only she could post them out, we’d be able to raise thousands. 

Kim McKnight baking up a storm!

Kim followed a rigorous quality control process...

This month, Kim backed this up with a slice fundraiser which raised over $450.  What an amazing effort!!!!

Windlab Team

The team at Windlab are a pretty supportive bunch as well.


A Taco lunch and a dare for Cheryl to wear her tutu on the bus to work raised $2461 from staff across Australia. Lunch was held in Brisbane and Canberra offices with people joining online as well.

Some of the staff wore their best tutus (and some their best ‘ugly shirts’). There was a friendly paper plane throwing competition in the offices along with an unexpected entry from the field.


Check out the video…they really do know how to find the best windy spots.

Then, to add to their generous spirit they donated another $1000 from their employee fitness challenge!!!!

Plus there will be another fundraiser coming soon at their Windlab offsite with a Tilly Trivia Competition.  There will be some tough questions like ‘How many metres of tulle is there on Tilly’.


Thank you Windlabbers for your generous donations and for getting into the ‘Shitbox’ spirit.

Tess, Greg & Merris

Recently some of the exceptional SSS (Tess, Greg & Merris), along with the 2Tutus sold a sh*t(box) load of raffle tickets at the Chinchilla RSL.  The RSL gave us a spot in December 2023 and another one in February 2024! 

Lots of people turned up to have dinner, and drinks and buy tickets from our tutu-wearing crew. 

2Tutus @ Chinchilla RSL Community Raffles!

We were thrilled to raise $2,314 over the 2 nights!

A huge thank you to the Chinchilla RSL for letting us be part of their Friday night Community Raffles.

Trish Ellen

We certainly are covering a vast area with our fundraising activities as a recent fundraiser was held in Bundaberg. 

Trish Ellen and her trusty group of friends held an afternoon tea and raffle raising a whopping $710.  There were of course lots of tutus and it was great to see Scotty get into the theme as well.

Merris Mitchell

We call Merris our unofficial Tutu3! She has been our No1 supporter throughout our Shitbox journey and is always there to lend a hand. She has not only supported us at both Chinchilla RSL Community Raffle evenings, but she has happily helped out with decorating Tilly the Toyota (even polishing her headlights for us), and supporting us on our recent trek to Wandoan - all whilst wearing a tutu!

Merris recently hosted a morning tea fundraiser in Chinchilla and we were thrilled to attend and join in the fun! There were lots of supportive friends in attendance and through donations and a raffle, Merris raised a total of $600!

Thanks so much, Merris for your unwavering support, it means so much to us both!

Jen McNamara

When Cheryl's friend Jen heard of our concerns about discreetly attending to our ablutions whilst rallying through the desert, she was quick to whip up some Toot Tutus (well that's what we're calling them) to keep our dignity intact. Now we need not worry about being caught without a bush to hide behind, we just chuck our Toot Tutu over our heads and get down to business (discreetly)!

What a legend!

But Jen's creativity and seamstress prowess didn't stop there!

Oh no Sireeeeee.....

Upon finding out about the Dress-Up Days she has also whipped us up a costume for 'I wouldn't be caught dead in that' and 'Formal Wear - Shitbox Style'. I'm sure you'll all agree both outfits are Simply Shitbox Splendid ❤️

Just some of Jen's amazing creations!

We are super grateful for everyone’s support and for these amazing friends and family who have helped raise over $20,000 so far.

They are Superstars!!!

Like so many others, we're striving for a future where Charities are simply not needed, in particular Cancer Council.

How amazing would it be to live in a World that is Cancer Free?

You can help us get closer to this by joining the SSS crew and helping us raise funds to KICK CANCER'S BUTT! (Every dollar counts - any donations are gratefully appreciated if you're unable to host a fundraiser)

PLUS…. All our SSS will have their photos on our Shitbox, travelling with us across the desert as we drive from Adelaide to Perth.

That’s got to be worth it 😊


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