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Shining bright like a Diamond Sponsor!

A corporate sponsorship with a difference...

Our Diamond sponsor, and one of the first sponsors to come on board was Damian and the team at RDO Equipment, Chinchilla.

This was not your usual corporate sponsorship though. 

RDO Equipment allows each staff member to choose an organisation to donate to and we were very excited when Damian told us that the whole team had agreed to put their money toward the 2Tutus fundraising. 

We felt so honoured to be chosen by the Chinchilla team. 

Damian and the team have been so supportive and helpful to our cause and have been invaluable support while getting Tilly ready for the road.  We even got the chance to do a quick photo shoot amongst the John Deere tractors.

Tilly & 2Tutus at RDO Chinchilla & Damian getting Tilly Rally Ready!

RDO Equipment has 29 locations around Australia, so what has made this sponsorship even more special is that we got the chance to visit and meet the team at RDO Equipment Adelaide too.

Tilly & 2Tutus arrive at RDO Adelaide - they attached the jerry can holder in a jiffy and we grabbed a few pics with some of the team before heading off.

Thank you RDO Equipment and your amazing group of employees.  We are proud to carry your logo on our Shitbox as we travel from Adelaide to Perth.

Help us raise funds to KICK CANCER'S BUTT!



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