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Why is Jo rallying?

Sometimes life throws you curveballs that make you sit up and take notice…

Throughout her life, Jo has been fortunate to have an amazing brother, quietly and unassumingly providing foundational support in everything she has done.

As adoptees, both Jo and her brother Tim understand deeply the meaning of the word ‘FAMILY’.  It runs deeper than the blood in your veins or the words written on a birth certificate.  It’s that unwavering love and support for one another, that ever-present knowledge that another human is walking the Earth who would sacrifice anything for you without hesitation.

L - Tim is an gifted motorcross rider M - Tim with his nephews Jodry & Nic R - Tim & Janelle on their wedding day

Jo will never forget the day in July 2023 when Tim & his wife Janelle walked out of Professor Andrew Barbour’s office in Greenslopes Private Hospital and delivered the news that he had been diagnosed with Oesophageal Cancer.  Few words were spoken that afternoon as Tim drove as fast as possible away from the city towards the familiarity of their homes in the country...Jo and Nelly's tears falling with each passing kilometre.

As little as 5 years earlier, the diagnosis could have been life-ending, but as Australia’s leading researcher of Oesophageal Cancer, Professor Barbour was able to make a promise to Tim that they could beat it – but it wasn’t going to be an easy journey.

Up until a few years ago, Jo was someone blessed to have not experienced Cancer within her close family unit, however, within a short period, her husband Larry's father and brother were both diagnosed with, and overcame Bowel Cancer.

But it was Tim’s diagnosis that rocked her to the core.

She couldn’t bear the thought of losing the last remaining member of her immediate ‘family’. 

At the time of signing up for the rally, Tim had been experiencing what was initally thought to be indigestion.  The subsequent news of his Cancer diagnosis sparked a fire in Jo’s belly to raise as much awareness and funds for Cancer research via the Shitbox Rally as she possibly could.

Now, with only a matter of weeks until the rally departs, Jo is so happy to report that Tim is recovering well from a successful surgery and currently undergoing immunotherapy to help restore him back to health.  The road indeed has been rough with his initial treatments followed by Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy (recognised as one of the biggest surgeries a human body could endure), and he still has quite a journey ahead - but Jo will remain on the sidelines offering love and support to both him and Janelle.

Cancer Council reports one in two Australian men and women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85…a stark reminder that it’s only a matter of time before we are all touched by this horrible disease.

In honour of all family members and friends whose lives have been touched by Cancer, please support 2Tutus by donating today!  Every dollar counts and will assist in funding vital research initiatives that bring us increasingly closer to a World that is Cancer Free!



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