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Get Amongst It!

You don't have to be crazy enough to participate in a rally to make a difference in the lives of those living with Cancer.


You just have to be awesome enough to give us your support - however that may look for you!


You can help us immensely through a significant or simple act such as...


Follow our Journey | Sponsor our Team | Provide us with Useful Items (like dunny paper) | Buy a Raffle Ticket | Donate to our Team Fundraising


However you choose to show your support, please know we 

are so grateful for your desire to join us in KICKING CANCER'S BUTT, and your faith in our ability to successfully drive a shitbox 3500km across the desert!  

What drives YOU to rally for Cancer Research?

Make an In-Memoriam Donation to honour your loved one today!

Cancer is a horrible disease whose impact infiltrates families, friendships, and communities, leaving few untouched in its wake. 


To honour, celebrate and support those who have lost, overcome, or are still fighting their cancer battle, we are offering anyone who donates over $100 the opportunity to share a 10cm x 10cm photo of their loved one which we will place on our vehicle.  We will proudly take them and their stories along with us as we rally our way from Adelaide to Perth.


We have an exclusive opportunity for an individual or group to donate $1000 to honour their loved one with an A4 size image along with your loved one's name and a brief message from you.


Donate via this link - please DO NOT make your donation anonymous as will will not be able to contact you.

'Guess the km'
to WIN!

Buy a $10 guess to

win a cash prize!

We hope to make it to the end of the Rally with our Shitbox in one piece, but where’s the fun in that?

Guess the km when our car will have it’s first 'breakdown’ (or ‘Shit its Box’ as we like to say) and you could win yourself some $CASH$

What is a ‘breakdown’?  Any time our vehicle stops due to mechanical 
failure/warning, tyre damage, or safety issue e.g. tutu’s on fire...


To WIN, you will be the closest guess to the actual kilometre distance from the rally starting point when our car first ‘Shits its Box’...(if it’s a tie we will split the winnings between the two closest entries).

To enter you will need to pay $10 cash.  The winner will receive 50% of the total entry proceeds and the other 50% will go towards our fundraising to help us Kick Cancer’s Butt!

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can support us.


In Person

Catch up with us at an event and participate in our Guess the Km game, make a donation or just come and say 'Hi'!


Make a tax deductible donation via our WeGive page today.

Over the Phone

Give us a call to arrange a donation or to buy a guess in our Guess the Km game.

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